Landspeed Association New Zealand
Welcome to Landspeed New Zealand Association, an incorporated society set up to promote and facilitate Landspeed Racing in New Zealand and overseas.
Next event Speed Trials March 29th Saturday 2025 (rain day Saturday 5th April ) All those that have paid for November, have been phoned and spoken to and are coming to March 2025 event.
IMPORTANT: We have new admin for our web page as sponsored by Fourstrips company and there is a new registration and payment options to include all cards etc Go to “Landspeed Race Entry” and click on.
History of past LSNZ events
First speed trials event 8th April 2018, then 2019, 2020 cancelled due to Covid, again 2021, and 2022 Sunday March 6th 2022 and it was a great success, with a few Supercars participating Lamborghini and Ferrari, and C7 Corvette. We had 36 entrants, with some very fast bikes, a few more doing well over 200mph and records were broken, with an amazing fastest in NZ was Scott Wilkins on a heavily modified Kawasaki H2R doing a one pass of 364.5kph/227.8mph backed up by a two way average of 358.4kph/224mph.
Walter Rands-Trevor on his naturally aspirated Kawasaki ZX10 went into the history books also with two way run of 200mph.
We now have 12 participants in the exclusive 200mph club:
Cancelled speed trials February 6th 2023 as all of New Zealand suffered huge rain falls flooding every where and Cook Strait ferry cancelled.
December 3rd 2023 not the best of weather, Nic Cole did fastest with 370kph, and 74 year old LSNZ President John Seccombe on a Supercharged Kawasaki H2R saw 374kph on the speedo but in actual fact the true speed was 212.5mph/ 340kph.
March 9th 2024 was excellent day with Nic Cole upping his speed to an amazing 377kph/235.62 mph. on his Turbo Nitros Suzuki Hayabusa. Nic is now the fastest Landspeed person on a New Zealand road.

For all results have a look under heading “RESULTS”
Full details on how to get to Goudies Road, Reporoa available here:
We would like to thank all those entrants who came along to Goudies Road to these events, it was great to meet you all and to witness your enthusiasm at being able to participate in such a unique event here for New Zealand. The feedback from spectators was also amazing, and helps make the thousands of volunteer hours put in all worthwhile.
If any event is cancelled you lose the $100 membership, the entry fee of $350 is credited to you for next event. If less than one month before an event and the participant wants to cancel, it is totally up to our discretion to refund the $350, if we have a waiting list or we can find a replacement then we will possible refund the $350
Goudies road was resealed in March 2023 for the whole 8.2klms and it was an excellent job done with No 5 chip 5mm to 6mm size at far ends but where we race for 6klms they did two layers No 5, finishing with the finest you can get a No 6 3mm to 4mm chip.
The committee had a meeting April 22nd 2023 at Goudies Road to discuss future plans, one of them was to upgrade of the pit lane to edge of Goudies road seal to lessen the gradient/climb and protect the seal edge. A big thank you to Wayne Painter of Taupo KP haulage company doing a truck and trailer free delivery sponsorship of 18 cubic meters of metal. Taupo Swap Quarries donated the metal and another company. That was very successful.
GPIL Geotextiles, Director Laurie Vercoe donating a expensive geotextile to go under under the metal, and the farming company Theland Farm Group paid for a big digger in June to do this works.
NOTE: Many of you asked why not two day event, well that’s just too demanding on the local farmers not having access to their homes for two days, we tried to run an extra event in November/December but weather is so unpredictable then not enough entrants for in 2024 so we have decided to just stay with one event per year in March and running the event on the Saturday meaning there won’t be the rush to get away back home and can stay over for the Sunday, which means we have time to pack up, and clear up in daylight and every one can help do this please.
We received so many thank you messages from many of the participants still buzzing from the adrenaline fix on Goudies Road events and many mentioned how amazingly smooth the road was better than even motorways in NZ. Thank you as we heard there had been false stories put out that the road was rough or had bumps in it, these participants have dispelled those rumors.
Note: Goudies Road was part of the Million Dollar Logging truck Highways designed for 120 Tonne Logging road trains, 1 meter of well compacted fill, then 150mm of high quality bitumen. We have had the road surveyed for levelness over the whole length and in the middle of our 7klms is 2.7 klms of absolutely level within 20mm. Astounding the Surveyor said back 30 years ago with no GPS to get it so level. We have had surveyed and marked permanently 1/4 mile 1/2 mile and 1 mile points.
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